2021 CAPER Emerging Leaders Conference- NEW!
July 21, 2021
Pittsburgh, PA
The Collaborative Alliance for Pancreatic Education and Research (CAPER) is proud to announce the first ever CAPER Emerging Leaders Conference.
The July 21, 2021 CAPER Emerging Leaders Conference will be offered as a live* conference in Pittsburgh, PA, featuring state of the art lectures, case discussions and interactive breakouts lead by internationally renowned pancreatologists.
This conference will offer future leaders the opportunity to engage in a clinically focused course designed to improve knowledge, competence and performance in the care of patients with pancreatic disorders
Please mark your calendar to attend this exciting program! For questions or inquiries, please contact CAPER at caper@pacemedcom.com.
Greg Cote, MD
2021 CAPER President
* Subject to COVID 19 restrictions
Registration Fees
Free of charge.
Target Audience
This activity has been designed to meet the educational needs of physician trainees and advanced practice providers involved in the care of patients with pancreatic diseases.
Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
Describe current guidelines for the diagnosis and management of pancreatic diseases and disorders.
Employ an evidence-based approach to the management of pancreatic diseases and disorders.
Identify new advances in pancreatic diseases and disorders and assess their potential impact on clinical practice
Proposed Agenda
July 21, 2021​
Pittsburgh, PA
8:30am – 9:30am Breakfast with the experts Networking Event
10:00am – 12:00pm Large Group Session
Topics (3 topics will be chosen - 40 minutes each)
Finding the right mentor: the mentor/mentee relationship (40 minutes)
Taking that first job: Tips, Pearls, and Pitfalls (40 minutes)
How to successfully obtain funding for research (40 minutes)
How to collaborate effectively in multicenter research
Building a Multidisciplinary Team (medical pancreatologists, therapeutic endoscopists, surgeons, radiologists, interventional radiologists, endocrinologists, pain specialists, nutritionists)
12:00pm – 1:00pm Lunch and Networking
1:00pm – 3:00pm Small Group Sessions
Session 1 (1 hour): Clinical Cases - Rotate in small groups to each case
Topics (choose 3-4 - 15-20 minutes each)
The Early Chronic Calcific Pancreatitis Patient - discussion of endoscopy, surgery, diabetes management, pain management, PERT management
The New Onset Diabetes Patient in a patient with a long smoking history - discussion of patients who may have pancreatic cancer
The Acute Recurrent Pancreatitis Patient - discussion of finding the etiology of a patient in acute recurrent pancreatitis without an obvious cause
The Hereditary Pancreatitis Pediatric Patient - Discussion about management, particularly regarding genetic testing, endoscopy, and TPIAT
The 2.9 cm main-duct IPMN Patient - Discussion about pancreatic cyst management including work-up, surveillance, and consideration of surgery
Session 2 (1 hour): Round Table Discussion regarding research ideas and collaboration
Research Topics
Chronic Pancreatitis
Acute Pancreatitis
Pancreatic Cysts
Pancreatic Cancer
3:00pm Closing Remarks
What are the CAPER Travel Scholarships?
The Collaborative Alliance for Pancreatic Education and Research provides travel support and complimentary registration for select trainees and young investigators to attend the PancreasFest Annual Meeting and the CAPER Emerging Leaders Conference. Trainees and young investigators are encouraged to submit their abstracts for consideration. Awardees will have the unique chance to present their abstract at the 2021 PancreasFest, providing access to a network of renowned leaders in the field of pancreatology! This is a great opportunity to make mentorship connections with renowned pancreatologists.
2021 CAPER Travel Scholarship awardees to be announced in early June.