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mportant Date

Friday, May 1, 2020 - Deadline for abstract submission


What are the CAPER Travel Scholarships? 

The Collaborative Alliance for Pancreatic Education and Research invites trainees and young investigators to attend the 2020 Pancreas Academy and 2020 PancreasFest, both being held in Pittsburgh, PA July 22-24, 2020.  To encourage broader participation, CAPER will provide a limited number of scholarships to trainees and young investigators who submit meritorious research abstracts.  


Trainees and young investigators are encouraged to submit their abstracts for consideration. Awardees will have the unique chance to present their abstract at the 2020 PancreasFest, providing access to a network of renowned leaders in the field of pancreatology! This is a great opportunity to make mentorship connections with renowned pancreatologists. 


Who Should Submit?

Trainees and junior faculty within three years of appointment may apply for PancreasFest Travel Scholarships. Award amounts may vary based on awardee’s location.  All scholarship awardees will receive fee-waived registration for PancreasFest 2020 and CAPER Pancreas Academy 2020. Awards will be distributed to awardees following PancreasFest2020.



The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 11:59 PM PT on Friday, May 1, 2020.  All submitting authors will receive confirmation of their abstract submission via email.


Abstract Formatting Instructions

All abstracts should be formatted the following way:


  • One page

  • Typed in 12-point Times New Roman font

  • Single-spaced with one-inch margins, and left justified. 

  • Organize the abstract into Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. 

  • Define all abbreviations. 

  • Include the abstract title, full names and institutional affiliations of all authors, and email address of the corresponding author at the top of the abstract.  Underline the name of the presenting author.  

  • Abstracts must not contain copyrighted material unless permission has been obtained by the author. 

  • Indicate at the bottom of the page if the abstract has been presented elsewhere and at what meeting. 


Please take note, submitted abstracts not meeting the above specifications will be returned.


Notification of Abstract Status

Notification of acceptance for poster presentation will be acknowledged via email by June 12, 2020. Notices and instructions will be sent to the email address provided at the time of abstract submission. ​


The PancreasFest 2020 conference has been cancelled in full due to the COVID-19 pandemic and will be rescheduled in July 2021. 


  • The NEW PancreasFest 2021 program dates will be July 21-23, 2021 at the Omni William Penn downtown. 

  • The NEW Pancreas Academy 2021 program dates will be July 21, 2021 at the Omni William Penn downtown.

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us.


The July 22, 2020 CAPER Pancreas Academy will be cancelled as a live, in-person meeting.  However, the Pancreas Academy will be reformatted as a live, interactive webinar series.  In time, details about the CAPER Pancreas Academy plans will be available here.


The CAPER Travel Scholarships have been cancelled for this year as there is no live event of PancreasFest or Pancreas Academy.


Information about the 2021 CAPER Travel Scholarships will become available in early 2021.

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